- Watermelon
Watermelon is the best fruit for weight loss and it can be considered as cheap fruit for weight loss. Watermelon is 90% full of water content. Most importantly weight loss is possible only through fat burning. Watermelon contains amino acids which will burn the fat contents in the body as the result weight loss is possible. It keeps the person hydrated so they feel full and has control over their appetite. Therefore they do not over eat and hence they can regulate their food carvings. It is good for health as it increases energy in the body so the person can get enough strength for weight loss workout.
- Guava
It is one of the delicious fruit and the fruit that is liked by people of all age group. It is very evident that guava is full of health benefit so from children to the age old people any one can use it. It is full of fiber so it can be used for weight loss. In most parts of the world it is used as primary fruit for the weight loss. Since metabolism rate is most important for the weight loss this fiber rich fruit will benefit for weight loss by increasing the rate of metabolism. Due to increasing metabolism fat and calories will be burned easily as a result there will be quick weight loss.
- Banana
As for as banana is considered most of the people think that is rich in carbohydrate so it will not be useful for weight loss. But contrary to their belief banana is the best fruit for weight loss. Banana supplies instant energy to body and that is why athletes and fitness people use it more. Banana boosts strength for pre workout and post workout as a result you would not feel tired to do weight loss workout. You will feel energized before workout and after workout. Therefore increasing workout will help you to burn much fat and calories.
- Pear
Fiber rich fruits and foods are very important for weight loss and in such consideration pear is the one of best fruit for weight loss. Since it is rich in fiber it is increases the rate of metabolism in the body and hence it is useful to burn good amount of fat and calories. As a result of increasing metabolism the person will have regulated appetite therefore they do not consume much food. It increases energy in the body and also lowers the cholesterol levels. As it is increases the energy the person will get sufficient energy for weight loss workout.
- Orange
It is one of the best fruit to be considered for weight loss because it is rich in vitamin C. Since vitamin C is the one of the essential for weight loss you can add orange in your daily food intake without any doubt. The main advantage of taking orange is it is low in calories when compare to the other fruits. As it is low in calories no amount of excess calories will be added in your body. Orange is better known for digestion therefore it increase the rate of metabolism and hence it burns excess amount of fats and calories for weight loss.